The Solar Heating and Cooling Technology Collaboration Programme (SHC TCP) was established in 1977, one of the first programmes of the International Energy Agency. The SHC TCP's work is unique in that it is accomplished through the international collaborative effort of experts from country members, sponsor members and the European Union.
The benefits of this approach are:
- accelerates the pace of technology development,
- promotes standardization,
- enhances national R&D programmes,
- permits national specialization, and
- saves time and money.
Solar heating and cooling for secure and sustainable energy for all.
To bring the latest solar heating and cooling research and information to the forefront of the global energy transition.
The SHC TCP is headed by an Executive Committee composed of one representative from each Member country and Sponsor organization, while the management of the individual projects is the responsibility of project managers (Task Managers) who are selected by the Executive Committee.
All members have the right to propose new projects, and each member decides whether or not to participate in a specific project. Most SHC TCP projects are carried out on a 'task- shared' basis, in which participating organizations arrange for their own experts to take part in the work.
Our work is enhanced through collaboration with other IEA Technology Collaboration Programmes (District Heating and Cooling, Energy in Buildings and Communities, Energy Conservation through Energy Storage, Heat Pumping Technologies, Photovoltaic Power Systems, and SolarPACES) and solar trade associations in Europe, North America, and Australia.
The Power of Collaboration
The collaborative work of the SHC TCP spans over four decades. Over these years, the investments made in this international partnership have generated valuable results and products beyond what any one country could do on their own.
To support its work, the SHC TCP is collaborating with other key players in the field, including the solar industry associations of Australia, Europe, and North America. Together they are working to increase the awareness of national and international government bodies and policymakers and to encourage industry to use new solar thermal products and services.