T50 D.1 Building Stock Distribution and Electricity Use for LightingTask 50 Subtask D Report D1May 2016 - PDF 3.21MB
This report presents an analysis of the current distribution of the building stock in the nonresidential
sector, which allows identifying the most important building types. The report also
presents the current average energy intensity for electric lighting for each building type as
well as characteristics of existing lighting installations in these buildings. The analysis
concludes that five building types cover the largest floor space area:
1. Offices,
2. Educational buildings,
3. Wholesale and retail trade,
4. Industrial buildings,
5. Agriculture buildings.
Three other non-residential building types should be given a second priority:
1. Hotels and restaurants,
2. Hospitals and healthcare,
3. Sports buildings.
Data from Sweden, the Netherlands and the United States indicate that fluorescent lighting
is clearly the dominant light source in non-residential premises, that LED lighting is still very
scarce and that there are still many incandescent light sources installed in non-residential